Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Weekly Blog on Grant Family Farms CSA - Week4

Week 4's share from the Grant Family Farms CSA included:

  1. Baby Beets
  2. Peas
  3. Garlic Scapes
  4. Cilantro
  5. Radishes
  6. Kohlrabi
  7. Red Leaf Lettuce
  8. Green Lettuce
  9. Curly Kale
  10. Tuscan Kale
  11. Rhubarb
  12. Broccoli

It was a busy week with lots of dining out so I didn't have a lot of opportunities to experiment with the produce. The beets were halved or quartered to create a uniform size, then steamed with the greens and finished with a bit of salt, pepper and olive oil. The garlic scapes were sauteed in sesame oil. Then the kale was added and mixed until coated with the sesame oil. Hot chicken broth was added and the dish allowed to simmer until the greens cooked down and the broth reduced. The dish was finished with salt, pepper, sesame seeds and a bit of fresh sesame oil. This turned out great!

The only other interesting dish was a slaw from the kohlrabi - i peeled the kohlrabi, then shredded on a mandolin. While the kohlrabi dried a bit, i made a light dressing in the blender with mayo, lime, chipotle chili, honey, salt, pepper, rice wine vinegar, cilantro and olive oil. I added the olive olive oil while blending - adding enough to achieve the desired thickness / texture and flavor.

I then tossed the shredded kohlrabi with the dressing, added freshly chopped cilantro and allowed to settle in the fridge for about an hour. This was delicious - the texture was crisp, and the flavor spicy, tangy and a bit sweet.

Just picked up Week 5 today - included some perfect, fresh, sweet red cherries from the western slope - Yum!

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