Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weekly Blog on Grant Family Farms CSA - Week7

Wow, week 7 really snuck up on me - after eating out several times this week for the Denver Restaurant Review, I barely had time to cook anything and now I'm down to 2 days before week eight's basket arrives. Week 7's basket includes:

  • Kale
  • Swiss Chard
  • Butter Lettuce
  • Spring Greens
  • Cilantro
  • Zucchini
  • Broccholi
  • English Peas
  • and mystery vegetable (see picture below).

If you recognize the mystery vegetable let me know - my best guess is immature cauliflower. The head was surrounded by the very similar greens. It didn't have the same sweetness as cauliflower but was delicious nonetheless. Cut into wedges, toss in olive oil, salt, pepper and red pepper flake - then roast in a hot oven until tender and slightly toasted. Finish with a drizzle of nut oil (hazelnut or walnut).

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